David Hardage, Executive Director Link to BGCT
The Baptist General Convention of Texas encourages, facilitates and connects churches in their work to fulfill God’s mission of reconciling the world to himself.
We are a fellowship of transformational churches sacrificially giving ourselves to God’s redemptive purpose. Continually being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ, we join together to transform our communities and the world. Engaging culture, we reach people where they are for an encounter with Jesus Christ.
We are on mission with God to continue Jesus’ ministry of teaching, sharing the good news and meeting human needs through our churches, institutions and organizations. Our ministries reflect the heart of Jesus.
We share a vision of the world’s peoples coming to know Jesus Christ and becoming transformed in his image. As a fellowship of diverse churches, we advance the Kingdom in ways individual churches cannot do alone and we celebrate our unity in the larger body of Christ’s church. As local churches we are called to be the presence of Christ in the world.
We accomplish our work through individuals with diverse backgrounds who love Jesus Christ and his church. Lives, families, communities and nations are transformed as ordinary Christians take extraordinary steps of faith in obedience to God.
Bible-God’s Written Word - We value the Bible as the divinely inspired record of God’s revelation of himself to us. It serves as the authoritative guide for life and ministry.
Transformational Churches - We value the church as the body called to carry out the purposes of God according to God’s will. We make every effort to develop transformational churches that help believers become Christlike and prepare them to engage culture and to advance the Kingdom of God. We value being on mission with God in our communities and in reaching a lost world.
Spiritual Formation-Discipleship - We value intimacy with God that forms the image of Christ in us. We submit our lives to be shaped by God through feeding on the Word, praying continually, sharing Christ, and living in community with other believers.
Servant Leadership - We value servant leadership that models the ministry of Jesus as he called people to become his disciples and to serve all the interests of God’s Kingdom. We are committed to the ongoing nurture and development of courageous servant leadership in our churches.
Worth of All Persons - We value every person, for all are created in God’s image. We commit ourselves to love others as Christ loves us and to serve others in Jesus’ name.
Baptist Distinctives - We value those Biblical truths that shape Baptist life and history, including the soul’s competency before God, the priesthood of each believer and all believers, the autonomy of the local church, and a free church in a free state.
Integrity - We value integrity in our lives and in our churches, demonstrated by Christ-like attitudes and actions that are consistent and evident in all we think and do. Integrity is the foundation for the mutual trust, accountability, excellence in ministry, and teamwork that marks our work together.
Inclusiveness - We value including all persons redeemed by God’s grace and called to serve in the missions and ministries of this body. We embrace the mosaic of God’s family, grateful for the richness of gifts, backgrounds and experiences.
Events: https://texasbaptists.org/events
Ministries: https://texasbaptists.org/ministries
2020 Texas Baptist Small Church Minister & Spouse Annual Meeting Events in Member Churches.

2020 Texas Baptist "Compelled" Annual Meeting
Texas Baptist Annual Meeting ONLINE November 16-17, 2020
Annual Meeting Business Session 6-8 pm for registered messengers only
Register online at txb/org/register
Annual meeting celebration session 6-8 pm
This will be a time of worship, an update from Executive Director David Hardage, a sermon from president Michael A Evans, Sr. and exciting stories about ministry efforts made possible through your giving to the cooperative program. It will be on Facebook live.